Speaking about a Blessing and a Curse: I hate being experimental. Being experimental means i'm always trying to embolden the original thought. My mind enters this mode of expansion and contraction. Everything is Everywhere. Everything is Nowhere. Everything is Lost. Everything is Found. Everything Is. And Everything Isn't. Everything is Illuminated. And Everything is in Darkness.
Creating is like giving birth.
To not be fully organized, to contain the chaos, to develop ideas. This is the struggle of the artist. haha. no, really.
Personally, this sweater thingy is the first project where i'm going to try and implement """time management""" because I would like to follow through with my ideas and meet my deadlines. Managing time is so strange and new to me. I believe there is no time, and time itself was just something fabricated to make sense of the spaces we inhabit. But in any event, and under the current human circumstances, knowing time and living by it is necessary. ;( ;( ;(
this s u m m e r,
one of my main projects is to sew up a bunch of old sweaters and make them look all folksy and shitty in a good way
from may 22-29, i went to a bunch of not-so-random places and found good random&ODD materials @ Crimsom and Clover (16th, bn P & Q). I saw Kara working that day and we talked about the different Saints on this saint charm bracelet I found. Here are some pieces I hunted and gathered that day and some time before:
(P.S. ---- did you know there was a Patron Saint of Cars?)
(P.S. ---- Crimsom&Clovis got cheap stuff if you dig deep and go during sale time. i got hella notions and bits and bobs for like $2 Dineroz!!!)
A rundown of last week and where this project is going:
[i would like to deconstruct a sweater to understand what makes it a sweater
] [i likeyyyy those doily circle tangs cuz they can B cut
and sewn in so many neat ways! ] [continue sewing
dioly tangs tangz on sweaters while watching DVDs] [trace names of revolutionaries and sew them on] [add geometric
shapes] [take classes at Meisners and
learn to sew better like a PROPOR PORKCHOP] [sew one sweater by Saturnday 8pm] [i
like James Luna, look him up] [Deadline for 5
sweatarrrz will be August 5, 5pm] [learn the basics
of silkscreen] [maybe silkscreen can be a good way to
add syntax to the fabric??] [WHOA, SYNTAX might be a
good name for this project] [come up with name for this project!]
Also went to Mission and Valencia and finally brows'd The Painted Biiiiiiird , this place was decent in pricewise and so LA, but hipster misappropriations of Native American Art????the headdress? such a stereotypically cultural misappropriation, i mean use it in context and provide some sort of creative insight into the tribe who wears the headdress instead of just using it as a misinformed visual. BUT i did like the way the store was set up, same goes for The Bell Jar
A Lamp and I Making Conversation, The Painted Bird, 2011